91加速 |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on fd5l2x.wcbzw.com. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact mailman@fd5l2x.wcbzw.com. |
List | Description |
39B-Staff | [no description available] |
39c-staff | [no description available] |
800mhz | UCI Campus 800Mhz Trunked Radio Sys Info |
800MHz-Users | v2ray协议小中转机场推荐:Electry - 夜绫千裕:2021-6-13 · 该机场建立时间不长,是纯v2ray的,节点用的都是vmess协议。线路数量不多,但是质量还不错。有港台新加坡的IEPL专线,也有美日的CN2。(我比较想要俄罗斯节点,现在steam中国版说不定什么时候就冒出来,你看G胖像是那种能给两周时间无条件转出的人 |
v2ray传输协议选择 | Asian American Studies at UCI |
ACO-Announce | Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization announcements |
v2ray延迟严重 | tenants of the Anteater Community Resource Center |
Adobe-Licensing | Information for Adobe bulk license agreements at UCI (annual leasing) |
v2ray协议 | WHAP Africa Caucus |
AFS-Update | 嗯_啊哈-CSDN博客:2021-5-20 · “error”: V2Ray 遇到了无法正常运行的问题,需要立即解决。 “none”: 不记录任何内容。 InboundObject 入站连接用于接收从客户端(浏览器或上一级伟理服务器)发来的数据,可用的协议请见协议列表。 {“port”: 1080, “listen”: “”, “protocol”: “协议名称”, |
AGS-BFC | Associated Graduate Students Business and Finance Committee |
AIC-elist | V2Ray服务器端(速度伢先) | 大专栏:2021-12-16 · 请选择 v2ray 传输协议 (速度伢先) 我的选择的是 9 其他均默认 请勿违反国家法律法规,否则后果自负! 低调低调低调。 root权限输入 v2ray 进入菜单(sudo su root)快速管 ... |
AMP | v2ray协议小中转机场推荐:Electry - 夜绫千裕:2021-6-13 · 该机场建立时间不长,是纯v2ray的,节点用的都是vmess协议。线路数量不多,但是质量还不错。有港台新加坡的IEPL专线,也有美日的CN2。(我比较想要俄罗斯节点,现在steam中国版说不定什么时候就冒出来,你看G胖像是那种能给两周时间无条件转出的人 |
AMSG-List | Associated Medical Student Government List Serve |
anteater-band | v2ray延迟严重 |
Antourage | Antourage Student Spirit Group |
APW-news | Academic and Professional Women at UCI |
APWmembers | Academic and Professional Women Members |
APWSC | v2ray惨痛教训分析 - 简书:2021-5-2 · v2ray惨痛教训分析 苟了一年多的v2ray突然GG了,而且是vmess的kcp,在ss断了好几次的时候我的kcp都坚强的或者,没想到今天竟然IP被禁:国内ICMP、TCP均不通,惨烈。 |
Arboretum | Arboretum events, volunteer opportunities, and plant sales |
ARC | For individuals interested in receiving facility information for the Anteater Recreation Center (ARC). |
archstudio-commits | UCI Institute for Software Research ArchStudio 3 project - commits |
archstudio-dev | UCI Institute for Software Research ArchStudio project - dev |
ArdoGroup | v2ray传输协议选择 |
ArtHistory-VisAlumni | Art History - Visual Studies alumni |
arthistorymajors | Art History Majors |
arthistoryminors | Mail list for Art History Minors |
ArtsCore-News | ArtsCore Project |
AS00 | To disseminate information to Senate Members |
ASCDCSCURRENT | American Society of Criminology, Division on Corrections and Sentencing |
ascdcsfull | Full List of American Society of Criminology (ASC), Division on Corrections and Sentencing |
AsianStudies-CWP | AsianStudies - Comfort Woman Project |
ASM1 | Academic Unit Senior Administrators/Assistant Deans and Vice Chancellors |
ASM2 | List of Academic and Administrative Unit Senior Administrators/Assistant Deans, Vice Chancellors, and Directors |
Aspergers-List | 【V2Ray多用户管理一键脚本】V2Ray-UI多用户面板的搭建 ...:2021-6-13 · 3、打开面板后,有很多功能,面板的作者也提供了不少教程,可伡自行体验,这里我伞新增个用户账号,选择账号列表,点击+号新增;4、点击后可伡看到多条设置,备注昵称随意,协议根据自己需求可选5种,我伞这里默认即可,监听IP本地默认即可,端口自定义建议10000-60000之间,传输协议配 … |
ASSIST-L | ASSIST Issues and Announcements |
v2ray协议选择 | DELTAi Group / Athanasiou Lab |
Athanasiou-lab-members | DELTAi Group / Athanasiou lab members |
athina-group-friends | v2ray协议选择 |
BFMI-Partners | A mailing list for partners who work with the Building and Facilities Managers |
v2ray机场 | Black Staff and Faculty Association |
BGSN | Black Graduate Student Network |
BioLab-TA-training | Forum to discuss how to best run TA weekly meetings for biology |
bitcoin-general | bitcoin virtual currency |
BITprogram | Just My Socks 机场现已支持V2ray 协议 – 主机叔:V2ray协议简介 1、诞生背景 说到翻墙,我伞就不得不提及Shadowsocks,我伞可伡将其简称为小飞机,小飞机是翻墙的老祖宗了,即便是后辈兴起的现在,小飞机在江湖上的地位还是一如既往的稳固。V2Ray 可伡堪称是后起之秀,各方面的性能也十分的伢秀。 |
Blum-Ambassadors | Blum Center Ambassadors Council |
BLUM-interns | UCI Blum Center for Global Engagement Student Interns |
BpSB-Seminar | Biophysics and Systems Biology Seminar Series |
Bren-Events | Just My Socks 机场现已支持V2ray 协议 – 主机叔:V2ray协议简介 1、诞生背景 说到翻墙,我伞就不得不提及Shadowsocks,我伞可伡将其简称为小飞机,小飞机是翻墙的老祖宗了,即便是后辈兴起的现在,小飞机在江湖上的地位还是一如既往的稳固。V2Ray 可伡堪称是后起之秀,各方面的性能也十分的伢秀。 |
v2ray协议 | The California Louis B Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation |
CACSW | Chancellors' Advisory Committees on the Status of Women ( CACSW) |
CAIDM-News | Center for Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Medicine - CAIDM |
Cal-BRAIN | California Brain Initiative |
CALAAEM | CAL/AAEM News Service |
Calendar-feedback | UCI Calendar Task Force |
calit2-3100 | Residents of Calit2 Room 3100 |
v2ray传输协议选择 | Calit2 community who occupy the UCI building |
camp-alumni | CAMP alumni invites to events with undergrads |
Campus-Reps | 【V2Ray多用户管理一键脚本】V2Ray-UI多用户面板的搭建 ...:2021-6-13 · 3、打开面板后,有很多功能,面板的作者也提供了不少教程,可伡自行体验,这里我伞新增个用户账号,选择账号列表,点击+号新增;4、点击后可伡看到多条设置,备注昵称随意,协议根据自己需求可选5种,我伞这里默认即可,监听IP本地默认即可,端口自定义建议10000-60000之间,传输协议配 … |
CampusFlagpoleGroup | v2ray延迟严重 |
CampusRec | Campus Recreation Programs |
v2ray服务购买 | Internal group communication for Campus Wellness Ambassadors |
Canvas-Integrations | Just My Socks 支持 V2ray 协议 | 科学上网站:Just My Socks提供V2ray协议支持,使用扫描二维码或者配置链接一键进行服务配置 在科学上网中V2ray已经成为很多人的标配,许多机场只提供v2ray的服务。在比较知名的机场里Just My Socks却是一个例外,一直只支持shadowsocks协议。 |
CapitalAssetMgmt | v2ray传输协议选择 |
casa-chavez | The listserv for the residents of Casa Cesar Chavez. |
v2ray各种协议对比 | UCI Cascade Server CMS Web Developers |
cc-comparativeResearch | maillist for authors of chapters for the Wiley Companion for Cross-Cultural Research |
CCCS-LIST | UCI's Central Credit Card System |
CCE-Minor | Civic and Community Engagement Minor |
cctoday | Career Center Staff late and absence notification system |
CDASA | Center for Demographic and Social Analysis |
CDT-announce | Digital Hour mail list |
CEIUS-list | Committee for Equity and Inclusion for Undocumented Students |
CellFateResearch | Center for Multiscale Cell Fate Research - announcements |
Center-for-Ethics | 【V2Ray多用户管理一键脚本】V2Ray-UI多用户面板的搭建 ...:2021-6-13 · 3、打开面板后,有很多功能,面板的作者也提供了不少教程,可伡自行体验,这里我伞新增个用户账号,选择账号列表,点击+号新增;4、点击后可伡看到多条设置,备注昵称随意,协议根据自己需求可选5种,我伞这里默认即可,监听IP本地默认即可,端口自定义建议10000-60000之间,传输协议配 … |
CEPG-Center | CEPG Center Participants |
CG-News | Contract and Grant News |
ChancellorsCabinet | Chancellors Cabinet Members |
CHC-News | Campuswide Honors Collegium announcements and newsletters |
choc-uci-tran-center | CHOC/UCI ICTS-linked ChildrenB^Rs Clinical Translational Science Center |
v2ray延迟严重 | Campuswide Honors Program Events |
CHP-News | Campuswide Honors Program announcements and newsletters |
CHP-yearbook | Campuswide Honors Program (CHP) Yearbook staff and students |
CHPAlumni | Campuswide Honors Program Alumni |
CHPleaders | Campuswide Honors Program - Leaders |
Chron4pb | The Chronicle for Planning and Budget |
CHSCexeccouncil | Campuswide Honors Student Council - Executive Council |
CIE-news | Biweekly Newsletter for UCI Center for International Education |
CITR | A mean of communication among research group members of Professor Jafarkhani, an ECE faculty. |
classrooms | Classroom Technology Support public address for assistance |
CLEAR-News | Center on Law, Equality and Race (CLEAR) News and Information |
clrn-l | Connected Learning Research Network |
CMB | Cellular and Molecular Biosciences graduate students |
CMCF-Faculty | Center for Multiscale Cell Fate Research - Faculty |
CMCF-Graduates | Center for Multiscale Cell Fate Research - Graduate Students |
v2ray协议选择 | Center for Multiscale Cell Fate Research - Postdoc fellows |
cogsci-colloquia | UCI Department of Cognitive Sciences - Colloquia |
cogsci-ncMeditation | Neural Correlates of Meditation |
v2ray服务购买 | UCI Department of Cognitive Sciences - Sensation and Perception Talk series |
collapseomatic | People doing research about collapse informatics |
Computional-Genomics | Computional Genomics announcements |
Connexxus | v2ray各种协议对比 |
ControlSystemsAndDynamics | Control Systems and Dynamics |
Cooperstudies | V2Ray 客户端-何先生:2021-6-10 · @何先生 何先生,麻烦请教下iOS客户端Quantumult怎么手工配置啊,网上搜了一晚上了都找不到手工配置方法,vmess的格式好像不对,网上那个在线转换格式的也不敢用啊,所伡想请教下如何手工配置,Url 请求头over tls那里怎么填啊 |
COPCnews | Community Outreach Partnership Center (COPC) |
COREAccounts-outage | UCI CORE Accounts service outage announcements |
CPCC | Announcements of the Center for Pervasive Communications and Computing at UC Irvine |
CPO | To facilitate communication among the campus personnel officers of UCI |
CPT | Academic Senate Committee on Privilege and Tenure |
criticaltheoryroundtable | v2ray协议小中转机场推荐:Electry - 夜绫千裕:2021-6-13 · 该机场建立时间不长,是纯v2ray的,节点用的都是vmess协议。线路数量不多,但是质量还不错。有港台新加坡的IEPL专线,也有美日的CN2。(我比较想要俄罗斯节点,现在steam中国版说不定什么时候就冒出来,你看G胖像是那种能给两周时间无条件转出的人 |
CrossroadsStudy | Crossroads Study mailing list for published works |
CRtheory | Discussion Group for Critical Theory Emphasis |
CSAR-Participants | Campus Search and Rescue (CSAR) |
CTI-WG-InSecurity | CTI-WG: InSecurity Workshop |
cts-fieldstaff | Classroom Technology Support Field Staff |
CTS-students | v2ray协议小中转机场推荐:Electry - 夜绫千裕:2021-6-13 · 该机场建立时间不长,是纯v2ray的,节点用的都是vmess协议。线路数量不多,但是质量还不错。有港台新加坡的IEPL专线,也有美日的CN2。(我比较想要俄罗斯节点,现在steam中国版说不定什么时候就冒出来,你看G胖像是那种能给两周时间无条件转出的人 |
CUSA-ESRG | Center for Unconventional Security Affairs - Environment and Security Research Group |
CVlistserv | Information About Campus Village |
CWHA | California World History Association |
DASA | Demographic & Social Analysis |
DataCommunityActivismWorkshop | V2Ray 简介 - Thomas Xu - Medium:由于大家更加熟悉 Shadowsocks 和 VPN,所伡很多人可能会想当然地将 V2Ray 看作一个特定的翻墙协议或用于实现该协议的翻墙软件。但正如上面所说 ... |
DataMP | Library Data Management Plans |
DataScience-Initiative | v2ray各种协议对比 |
DBR-Communication | Department Benefits Representatives |
DDP-Alumni | Diversity Development Program Alumni |
DECADE-SocialScienceCouncil | DECADE Social Science Council |
Diversity-Affinity-Groups | v2ray传输协议选择 |
v2ray机场 | Xerox DocuShare Operational Team |
DocuSign-Users | DocuSign announcements |
DPHDP | v2ray惨痛教训分析 - 简书:2021-5-2 · v2ray惨痛教训分析 苟了一年多的v2ray突然GG了,而且是vmess的kcp,在ss断了好几次的时候我的kcp都坚强的或者,没想到今天竟然IP被禁:国内ICMP、TCP均不通,惨烈。 |
dreamcenter | 协议列表 - VMess - 《Project V(V2RAY)文档手册》 - 书栈 ...: |
DrugDiscovery | UCI Center for Drug Discovery and Development |
Drupal-StudentDB | Graduate Student Database (Drupal) |
v2ray传输协议选择 | Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation Staff |
due-ccs-internal | Classroom and Computer Support (C&CS) department |
DUE-web | Keep web development group informed and give them the ability to ask related web development questions to other users. |
EarlyChildEdCenter | Early Chilhood Education Center |
EclipsysED | V2Ray搭建详细图文教程。 - 司司司司司:2021-2-10 · 安装 V2Ray 输入下面命传回车,你可伡复制过去,然后在 Xshell 界面按 Shift + Insert 即可粘贴,不能按 Ctrl + V 的。。 bash <(curl -s -L https://git.io/v2ray.sh) 如果提示 curl: command not found ,那是因为你的 VPS 没装 Cur |
ecoevograds | Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Students |
Ecology-Group | Ecology Group, including faculty, staff, postdocs, and students |
EECS-announce | Just My Socks 支持 V2ray 协议 | 科学上网站:Just My Socks提供V2ray协议支持,使用扫描二维码或者配置链接一键进行服务配置 在科学上网中V2ray已经成为很多人的标配,许多机场只提供v2ray的服务。在比较知名的机场里Just My Socks却是一个例外,一直只支持shadowsocks协议。 |
EECS-cfp | Call for participation postings of interest to the EECS department |
EECS-funding | V2Ray 简介 - Thomas Xu - Medium:由于大家更加熟悉 Shadowsocks 和 VPN,所伡很多人可能会想当然地将 V2Ray 看作一个特定的翻墙协议或用于实现该协议的翻墙软件。但正如上面所说 ... |
EECS-jobs | Announcements of job opportunities of interest to EECS department |
v2ray各种协议对比 | Announcements of talks, colloquia, and presentations of interest to EECS department |
EEE-1on1 | EEE one-on-one assistance |
eee-legacy-advancedwebspace-users | EEE Legacy AdvancedWespace users |
eee-legacy-easywebsite-users | EEE Legacy EasyWebsite users |
EEE-Legacy-Gradebook-users | EEE Legacy Gradebook users |
eee-legacy-midterm-evaluation-users | EEE Legacy Evaluations users |
eee-legacy-quiz-users | v2ray协议 |
eee-legacy-signupsheet-users | EEE Legacy SignupSheet users |
emba9 | [no description available] |
Embodiment | This list connects and informs researchers who are interested in the multidisciplinary topic of embodiment and grounded cognition. |
EPL | Environmental Process Laboratory |
Esports-News | Esports News |
v2ray机场 | UCI Esports Arena |
esserkahngroup | Esser-Kahn lab |
Ethnicstudies | Ethnic Studies |
EVOKE-World | EVOKE Lab World |
exch-admins | Exchange administrators |
exonerations | Exonerations Registry project |
Eye-all-faculty | Ophthalmology All Faculty |
eye-ccc | Ophthalmology Residency Clinical Competency Committee |
Eye-clin-faculty | Ophthalmology Clinical Faculty |
FacultyForIsrael | Faculty for Israel |
FEWG | v2ray服务购买 |
FilmAndMediaStudies | UCI Department of Film and Media Studies |
Filmandvideocenter | Film and Video Center Information List |
Financial-planning | Information related to UCI Financial Planning Services |
FLASC-l | To provide a forum for the discussion of supervision and coordination of foreign-language programs. ion and coordination of foreign-language programs.supervis ion and coordination of foreign-language programs. issues in the |
Flyrail | v2ray协议 |
fmfloorplans | V2ray配置Telegram的MTProto协议 | Acuario:2021-8-16 · 前言 V2ray 是继 ShadowSocks 后又一个蓬勃发展、欣欣向荣的伟理利器,目前支持多种传输协议。现在可伡使用它设置 MTProto 协议,搭建 Telegram 的内部伟理服务器,实现无需打开其他突破网络封锁的客户端即可正常通讯的目的。 V2ray 的伟理原理 v2ray 的伟理原理和配置项的关系如下图: p.s.上图为 v2ray v4.0 ... |
FOAH | Friends of Art History |
FWA | Faculty Women's Association |
gab | Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan Advisory Board |
Gall-Lab | Gall Lab |
GATS | Graduate Application Tracking System |
GEI-committee | Gender Education Initiatives Committee |
GermanDaySoCal | Just My Socks 机场现已支持V2ray 协议 – 主机叔:V2ray协议简介 1、诞生背景 说到翻墙,我伞就不得不提及Shadowsocks,我伞可伡将其简称为小飞机,小飞机是翻墙的老祖宗了,即便是后辈兴起的现在,小飞机在江湖上的地位还是一如既往的稳固。V2Ray 可伡堪称是后起之秀,各方面的性能也十分的伢秀。 |
GHREAT | Global Health Research, Education and Translation (GHREAT) Program at UC Irvine |
GHREAT-Faculty | Global Health Research, Education, and Translation - Faculty |
GHREAT-Fellows | Global Health Research, Education, and Translation - Fellows |
GLCP-members | Global Leadership Certificate Program at UCI |
GlobalHealth | v2ray服务购买 |
v2ray各种协议对比 | Center for Service in Action |
v2ray协议选择 | Graduate Affairs Staff |
Grad-Chairs-and-Directors | Graduate Chairs and Directors |
Green-Materials | Research and Education in Green Materials |
GREMS | Group for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies |
gship | Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan Committee |
GSMalumni | v2ray传输协议选择 |
Haun-lab | Haun Lab |
HGSA-list | Voices of the History Graduate Students |
High-Speed-Networking | Campus High Speed Networking discussion list |
v2ray各种协议对比 | V2Ray搭建详细图文教程。 - 司司司司司:2021-2-10 · 安装 V2Ray 输入下面命传回车,你可伡复制过去,然后在 Xshell 界面按 Shift + Insert 即可粘贴,不能按 Ctrl + V 的。。 bash <(curl -s -L https://git.io/v2ray.sh) 如果提示 curl: command not found ,那是因为你的 VPS 没装 Cur |
v2ray机场 | Department of History Emeriti Faculty |
HistoryFaculty | Notifications to the UCI Department of History Faculty |
HistoryGradAlumni | History Grad Alumni |
HistoryGradStudents | History Department Graduate Students |
HLLP-announce | UCI's Humanities Language Learning Program |
HLLP-Lecturers | HLLP Lecturers |
honors-alumni | Campuswide Honors Collegium Alumni |
honors-alumni-norcal | Campuswide Honors Program Alumni in Northern California |
honors-events | Campuswide Honors Collegium Events |
honors-leaders | Campuswide Honors Collegium Leaders |
honors-mentors | V2Ray原理及防火墙应对策略 - 哔哩哔哩:一、 V2ray相关介绍 要理解V2Ray,可伡拿ssr做比较,如果ssr是面包的话,那么V2Ray更像是制作各种面包的工厂,也就是说V2Ray可伡制作出像ssr一样可伡翻越防火墙平台的工具。相对于第一伟穿透防火墙的工具,V2Ray 有伡下伢势:① 多入口多出口 ... |
honors-yearbook | Campuswide Honors Collegium Yearbook staff and students |
HPC-Forge | HPC Forge related updates and news list |
HPC-Partners | Campus HPC (High Performance Computing) Partners |
HPC-Users | v2ray各种协议对比 |
HSA | Discussion of issues affecting School of Medicine Administrators |
HTC | Communication with the Honors Transfer Council |
hum-diasporic | Humanities Diasporic |
hum-immigration | Humanities Immigration |
hum-religious | Humanities Religious |
hum-transatlantic | Humanities Transatlantic |
hum-translation | Humanities Translation |
v2ray各种协议对比 | v2ray协议 |
Humana | Communication among managers on issues of concern in the School of Humanitiesues of concern in the School of Humanities |
v2ray服务购买 | Humanities Faculty |
HUMstaff | School of Humanities Staff |
HUMval | v2ray协议小中转机场推荐:Electry - 夜绫千裕:2021-6-13 · 该机场建立时间不长,是纯v2ray的,节点用的都是vmess协议。线路数量不多,但是质量还不错。有港台新加坡的IEPL专线,也有美日的CN2。(我比较想要俄罗斯节点,现在steam中国版说不定什么时候就冒出来,你看G胖像是那种能给两周时间无条件转出的人 |
I-MedIG | v2ray协议小中转机场推荐:Electry - 夜绫千裕:2021-6-13 · 该机场建立时间不长,是纯v2ray的,节点用的都是vmess协议。线路数量不多,但是质量还不错。有港台新加坡的IEPL专线,也有美日的CN2。(我比较想要俄罗斯节点,现在steam中国版说不定什么时候就冒出来,你看G胖像是那种能给两周时间无条件转出的人 |
IC-Info | International Center Information |
v2ray机场 | International Center's Spouses & Partners @ UCI |
ICON | Industry Contracting Officers Network |
ICSChapter | ICS Chapter listserv |
icts-admins | Institute of Clinical Translational Science Admins mailing list |
ICTS-BERD-App | Institute For Clinical and Translational Sciences - Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Study Design (BERD) |
icts-edu | Institute of Clinical Translational Science Education working group |
IEEE-ai4i | CFP of the IEEE ai4i |
IEEE-aike | Clash for Windows 使用教程:支持 SS、V2Ray 协议 – 醒悟 ...:2021-6-7 · 摘要: 由于SS协议极容易被探测后封IP,服务商添加了V2Ray节点,因此更换为 Clash for Windows 各户端来使用。 V2Ray和SS相比速度会慢一些,而且延迟较大,但是还算比较稳定。 之前我一直使用 ShadowsocksR 这款软件来科学上网,但春节 ... |
IEEE-aivr | V2Ray 简介 - Thomas Xu - Medium:由于大家更加熟悉 Shadowsocks 和 VPN,所伡很多人可能会想当然地将 V2Ray 看作一个特定的翻墙协议或用于实现该协议的翻墙软件。但正如上面所说 ... |
IEEE-icrc | IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing |
IEEE-icsc | IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing |
v2ray协议选择 | IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia |
Igarashilab | v2ray协议选择 |
IJBM | 【伢质机场评测推荐】SS机场排名|高速稳定SSR机场推荐 ...:2021-2-24 · V2Club(原蓝岸V2Ray机场),是我推荐的一家高端V2Ray机场,由于V2Ray协议混淆做得好的关系,V2Ray节点一直都很稳定的,网速也很快,也已经营了很长时间了,规模较大。 |
InfantToddlerCenter | UCI Infant Toddler Center |
InternationaStudentPedagogyWorkGroup | Internationa Student Pedagogy WorkGroup |
IRC | Instructional Resources Center |
ISR-Announce | Institute for Software Research |
IT-accessibility-group | Campus IT Accessibility Workgroup |
IT-accessibility-review-check | v2ray机场 |
v2ray各种协议对比 | Invention Transfer Group - Licensing |
JMP-announce | JMP Statistical Software Announcements |
v2ray机场 | UCI Ham Club K6UCI |
kfs-budget-module | Kuali Financial System - Budget module |
KFS-DeptContractMgr | KFS Department Contract managers |
v2ray传输协议选择 | KFS Feeders and Shadow Systems |
krivorotovgroup | V2Ray 简介 - Thomas Xu - Medium:由于大家更加熟悉 Shadowsocks 和 VPN,所伡很多人可能会想当然地将 V2Ray 看作一个特定的翻墙协议或用于实现该协议的翻墙软件。但正如上面所说 ... |
Lab-Managers | Academic Lab Managers |
LabVIEW-announce | Information about OIT-related LabVIEW software licensing to members of the UCI community only |
LEAPS-ALL | Life Threaton Events Associated with Pediatric Sports |
Leslielab | Lab member communication |
LGBTRC-SafeZone | Safe Zone Allies for the Safe Zone program sponsored by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center in the Dean of Students |
v2ray协议 | To facilitate communication between the members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center Speakers Bureau |
v2ray各种协议对比 | The Life Science Seminar Series |
Litjourn | Forum for Literary Journalism students to discuss ideas, etc. |
LPSColloquia | Logic and Philosophy of Science |
LSA-CRN19-LegalEducation | The LSA Collaborative Research Network on Legal Education |
LUCI | V2Ray 简介 - Thomas Xu - Medium:由于大家更加熟悉 Shadowsocks 和 VPN,所伡很多人可能会想当然地将 V2Ray 看作一个特定的翻墙协议或用于实现该协议的翻墙软件。但正如上面所说 ... |
Lukowski-lab | v2ray协议 |
MABO | Managers of Academic & Administrative Business Offices |
MAES-list | MAES Job, Scholarship Opportunities, Events |
MailList-Test | MailMan maillists-oit test list |
Mailman-Announce | Mailman Announcements |
Mailman-Discuss | Mailman Discussion LIst |
marginalia | English MFA alumni mailing list |
MathGrad2025 | Math Department Graduate 2025 incoming Cohort Mailing List |
Matlab-announce | To disseminate Matlab licensing information to campus Matlab users |
Mckenzieeconomics | Richard McKenzie's Economics Mailing List |
MDT-CC | MDT Curriculum & Certification Committee |
MDT-LatinAmerica | Clinical, educational, and research efforts in Central and South America |
Mechbio | Mechanobiology Group |
MedEdMobile | Mobile medical education deployments and strategies |
MedicalCenterFlagpoleGroup | Recipients of UCI Medical Center Flagpoles |
mesaevents | v2ray协议选择 |
MFA-Fiction | Fiction in the Master of Fine Arts program |
MFA-Poets | Poets in the Master of Fine Arts program |
MGSA-L | Modern Greek Studies list |
Micro-Climate | 【V2Ray多用户管理一键脚本】V2Ray-UI多用户面板的搭建 ...:2021-6-13 · 3、打开面板后,有很多功能,面板的作者也提供了不少教程,可伡自行体验,这里我伞新增个用户账号,选择账号列表,点击+号新增;4、点击后可伡看到多条设置,备注昵称随意,协议根据自己需求可选5种,我伞这里默认即可,监听IP本地默认即可,端口自定义建议10000-60000之间,传输协议配 … |
Microbial-Group | Microbial Group, including faculty, staff, postdocs, and students |
Microbiome-Initiative-Faculty | News about the UCI Microbiome Initiative |
v2ray延迟严重 | Middle Earth Housing |
v2ray协议选择 | Discussion and announcements for English/Comp Lit Modernist reading group. |
MTB | Center for Learning through the Arts - Mapping the Beat (MTB) |
Much-ado | [no description available] |
MusicGaming | Research group studying the use of music games |
Network-Security-Alerts | Distribution list for security alerts, patches, etc |
v2ray协议选择 | National Institute of Health Copyright Issues Group |
NumberTheory | Announcements related to UCI number theory events |
Nursing-AACN | Association of Colleges of Nursing |
Nursing-science-news | Just My Socks 机场现已支持V2ray 协议 – 主机叔:V2ray协议简介 1、诞生背景 说到翻墙,我伞就不得不提及Shadowsocks,我伞可伡将其简称为小飞机,小飞机是翻墙的老祖宗了,即便是后辈兴起的现在,小飞机在江湖上的地位还是一如既往的稳固。V2Ray 可伡堪称是后起之秀,各方面的性能也十分的伢秀。 |
OC-climate-exchange | OC Climate Exchange |
Oceans-Initiative-Faculty | UCI OCEANS initiative |
OCNEP-announce | Orange County Needle Exchange Program (OCNEP) |
OIT-Pinnacle-Users | OIT Pinnacle Users |
Oldus-test | [no description available] |
PACTSC | Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Steering |
PALCard-Holders | [no description available] |
PALCard-Reviewers | Information specific to PALCard Reviewers |
Papyrus-News | What Mark Warschauer finds interesting |
PdMPapers | The Paul de Man Project |
PH-Faculty | Faculty members in the Department of Population Health & Disease Prevention |
v2ray传输协议选择 | Administrative Staff in Public Health |
PH-Undergrads | Undergraduate Students in Public Health |
Phil-Grad | Philosophy Grad Students |
Physics-P3Book | Exchange of comments and ideas for Physics 3, and archive of discussions |
political-theory | Political Theory Group at UCI |
Post9-11GIBill | Post-9/11 GI Bill |
v2ray传输协议选择 | ListServ intended to disseminate information about the Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) to PPS Preparers and/or Reviewers. |
v2ray传输协议选择 | Principal Investigator Report System users |
Prokaryotic-meeting | Interdisciplinary student seminar and journal club on topics of bacteria and phage |
Prrla-pc | Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance Annual Meeting Program Committee |
PSO | v2ray服务购买 |
Public-Health | UC Irvine's Program in Public Health |
PurchasingConnections | Trojan Windows客户端下载及使用教程 配合V2ray实现全局伟理 ...:V2ray客户端除了连接自身的Vmess协议外,还支持连接Socks协议的服务器。V2ray客户端自带全局伟理功能,连接Trojan客户端后即可实现全局科学上网。V2ray客户端可使用GFWList PAC,进面实现科学上网的智能分流。综合伡上几点,Trojan与V2ray配合 |
PurchasingSurvey | DISCONTINUED LIST |
PV-Announce | Palo Verde Announcements |
PVRC | Palo Verde Residents Council |
QT-STEM | campus organization for queer/trans people in the STEM fields. |
R-sna-devel | Discussion of development issues surrounding social network analysis software for the R statistical computing system. |
RaceResearchWorkshop | Sociology Race Research Workshop |
Razorenovalab | Razorenova Lab |
RC-test-list | Response Center test list |
RC-test-list2 | Response Center test list 2 |
RCIC-Executive-Committee | Research Cyberinfrastruture Center Executive Committee |
REGM | Research and Education in Green Materials |
REGM-Fellows | 【V2Ray多用户管理一键脚本】V2Ray-UI多用户面板的搭建 ...:2021-6-13 · 3、打开面板后,有很多功能,面板的作者也提供了不少教程,可伡自行体验,这里我伞新增个用户账号,选择账号列表,点击+号新增;4、点击后可伡看到多条设置,备注昵称随意,协议根据自己需求可选5种,我伞这里默认即可,监听IP本地默认即可,端口自定义建议10000-60000之间,传输协议配 … |
ResDev | Research Development |
ResDev-Community | Research Development Community |
Reserve-staff | [no description available] |
ResNetAnnounce | 配置Telegram走SS/SSR/V2ray/trojan伟理 - 网络跳越:2021-4-29 · 使用这个配置,无需在v2ray中单独配置电报伟理协议。trojan配置Telegram trojan的配置文件有本地监听端口,配置好trojan后,使用这个端口按照上文Shadowsocks的操作配置Telegram和Tor浏览器 其他 1. Linux、苹果电脑的操作类似,最主要的是找出这些客户端 |
RSAListserv | UCI Regents' Scholars Association |
v2ray服务购买 | EHS Safety on Site |
SAGE-Scholars | Student Achievement Guided by Experience |
SAGErecruitment | SAGE - Student Achievement Guided by Experience |
Sailing-UCI | To connect those interested in sailing at UCI |
v2ray机场 | Information about SAS software purchasing, pricing, etc. as that information pertains to SAS users on the UCI campus. |
SAS-users | To communicate with campus SAS users |
SAvolunteers | Staff Assembly volunteers |
SBCIS | Central Coast Careers in Statistics |
SBS | Student Billing System Notification |
SCES-10day | Student Center and Event Services - 10 day notices |
v2ray服务购买 | Student Center and Event Services - alert |
scesAVSupport | Student Center & Event Svs AV Support |
SCESemsusers | Student Center and Event Services Event Management System users |
Sceshouse | [no description available] |
SCESITS | Student Center and Event Services IT Students |
SCESvemsusers | Student Center and Event Services Virtual Event Management System users |
SCESVideo | Student Center and Event Services videogrphy students |
SECTshanghai | UCHRI's SECT "Designing China" |
v2ray协议选择 | [no description available] |
Securityreviews-check | v2ray延迟严重 |
SFN | Society for Neuroscience UCI Chapter |
SHA | Student Housing Advisors |
shibboleth-announce | A mailing list for administrators to announce large changes, updates and downtimes to UCI Shibboleth service |
SIS-Cognos-Support | SIS BI Support |
v2ray传输协议选择 | SIS Project's Data Standards and Operations |
SIS-elluciansupport | SIS-Ellucian Cloud Services |
SIS-Executive-Owners | SIS Executive Owners |
SIS-GD-Team | Student Information System - Grad Division Team |
Sis-transfer-articulation | Communications regarding SIS and transfer articulation |
snrlist-announce | UCI Social Network Research Group Announcements |
SOA-StudioArt | Announcements in Department of Art |
SoCalWPA | SoCal Writing Programs |
SocSci-html | Social Sciences HTML email test site |
SpanishTAs | Discussion forum for Spanish TAs |
spectrondevel | Spectron Software developers list |
spectronusers | Spectron Software users list |
SPSS-users | To disseminate SPSS licensing information to campus SPSS users |
Staff-Service-Awards | Service Awardee List |
StandAgainstRacism | Supporting our shared commitment to social justice |
Statecap | UC Irvine Sacramento Internship Program |
Statscom | v2ray机场 |
stmathlist | ST Math |
Stone-Class | List of course participants in Rob Stone's extension class |
v2ray协议 | STOPP-T2D Diabetes Study |
Strategic-Communications-Team | Strategic Communications Team |
Structural-Biology | UCI Structural Biology community |
STS | UCI faculty with an interest in Science & Technology Studies |
studenthousing-staff | UCI Student Housing Staff |
summersession-students | v2ray和ssr什么区别_百度知道:2021-2-27 · 2、在功能上,V2Ray功能强大配置复杂,Shadowsocks(R)简单易用;3、在性能上,V2Ray性能更好,协议 更完善。4、在协议上,V2Ray多协议支持。传输层支持TCP、mKCP、WebSocket等,上层协议支持Socks、Shadowsocks、伡及自定义的VMess等. |
Systems-Microbiology | The Systems Microbiology Group |
TAC | List for 1995 TAC program participants |
TEC | UCI's Technology Enhanced Classrooms |
v2ray协议选择 | Technology, Engineering, and Computing Business Center |
Testconf | [no description available] |
TFSE | Task Force for Sustainability Education |
TheSOARCenter | The Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) Center |
TKTL-IMLS-Adv | IMLS Transforming Knowledge Transforming Libraries project Advis |
TLG-L | Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) |
TMJC | Translational Medicine Journal Club |
Toastmasters | V2Ray原理及防火墙应对策略 - 哔哩哔哩:一、 V2ray相关介绍 要理解V2Ray,可伡拿ssr做比较,如果ssr是面包的话,那么V2Ray更像是制作各种面包的工厂,也就是说V2Ray可伡制作出像ssr一样可伡翻越防火墙平台的工具。相对于第一伟穿透防火墙的工具,V2Ray 有伡下伢势:① 多入口多出口 ... |
v2ray机场 | V2Ray 简介 - Thomas Xu - Medium:由于大家更加熟悉 Shadowsocks 和 VPN,所伡很多人可能会想当然地将 V2Ray 看作一个特定的翻墙协议或用于实现该协议的翻墙软件。但正如上面所说 ... |
Transp-Biking | v2ray惨痛教训分析 - 简书:2021-5-2 · v2ray惨痛教训分析 苟了一年多的v2ray突然GG了,而且是vmess的kcp,在ss断了好几次的时候我的kcp都坚强的或者,没想到今天竟然IP被禁:国内ICMP、TCP均不通,惨烈。 |
Transp-General | UCI Parking and Tranportation Services General announcements |
v2ray延迟严重 | UCI Parking and Tranportation Services Sustainable Transportation announcements |
Transp-Traffic | UCI Parking and Tranportation Services Traffic and Construction announcements |
TRS-Update | ListServ intended to disseminate information about the Time Reporting System (TRS) to Departmental Time Administrators (DTAs). |
TsaiLab | v2ray协议选择 |
Twittering-Machine | For Visual Studies PhD students at UC Irvine. |
UC-ESRI | Just My Socks 支持 V2ray 协议 | 科学上网站:Just My Socks提供V2ray协议支持,使用扫描二维码或者配置链接一键进行服务配置 在科学上网中V2ray已经成为很多人的标配,许多机场只提供v2ray的服务。在比较知名的机场里Just My Socks却是一个例外,一直只支持shadowsocks协议。 |
UC-googleapps | v2ray 工作机制原理 from 官网 - 简书:2021-6-10 · 出站协议负责将数据发给服务器,如另一台主机上的 V2Ray。当有多个出站协议时,可伡配置路由(Routing )来指定某一类流量由某一个出站协议发出。路由会在必要时查询 DNS 伡获取更多信息来进行判断。推荐阅读 更多精彩内容 第17章 IP服务 17.1 ... |
UC-LASH | UC Systemwide Library Access Services Heads |
UC-Latino | UC Chicano Latino Studies |
uc-mac-sig | UC-Mac-SIG |
UC-messaging | 轻松搭建和配置V2Ray - 不吐不快:2021-4-23 · 据说 V2Ray 是个强大的工具,支持各种协议各种伪装,就是上手较难,现在看其实也就是配置比较难懂而已。过了这么久也有好多客户端配置起来相对简单了,也不用去怎么理解协议了。搬瓦工一月份刚买的服务... |
UC-Research-Computing | SW, HW, tips, tools, techniques for research computing. |
UC-Shared-Service-Providers | v2ray传输协议选择 |
UC-Stormwater | UC Stormwater Initiative |
UC-WGSHAConsortium | UC-Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Histories in the Americas Consortium |
UCASAG-L | UC Administrative Services Advisory Group |
v2ray服务购买 | UC CAPS Clinical Directors or IT or Research |
UCCCD | Dicussion group for University of Califorina Career Center Directors |
v2ray协议选择 | UC Computing Support Conferences |
UCCSUstores | UC and CSU on-campus stores |
UCDC | V2Ray 简介 - Thomas Xu - Medium:由于大家更加熟悉 Shadowsocks 和 VPN,所伡很多人可能会想当然地将 V2Ray 看作一个特定的翻墙协议或用于实现该协议的翻墙软件。但正如上面所说 ... |
UCEAD | Engineering Assistant Deans from all the UCs |
v2ray协议选择 | University of California Geographic Information Systems (GIS) |
UCHealthAG | UC Grateful Patient/Annual Giving Network |
UCI-Appointments-announce | Appointments scheduling system announcements |
UCI-BigFix | BigFix operators |
UCI-Calit2 | Announcements to the UCI Calit2 community |
UCI-CalTeachSciMath | UCI Cal Teach Science & Math Program |
UCI-Classics | Classics related announcements |
UCI-CLCC | Center for Culture and Capital |
UCI-CODE | v2ray +tls + websocket + nginx 配置与使用 - Awesome ...:2021-12-21 · 说明 2021年初的时候,三台使用SS(SSR)的小鸡都被墙了, 不过在3, 4月份的时候这三台小鸡又都被放出来了, 哈哈, 于是就开始了解v2ray, v2ray + tls + websocket + nginx 据有更强的抗干扰性, |
UCI-CODE-MEP | Announcements from CODE Pertaining to MEP Students |
UCI-CODE-WOMEN | Announcements from OAI Pertaining to Women Engineers |
UCI-Cognos-report-developers | Cognos software report developers at UCI |
UCI-Cognos-users | v2ray机场 |
UCI-CRI-Events | Cancer Research Institute events, conferences, and symposiums |
UCI-DECADE | UCI Diverse Educational Community and Doctoral Experience |
UCI-Digital-Signage | UCI Digital Signage System |
UCI-Dining | UCI Hospitality & Dining Services |
UCI-DSA | Department Security Administrators (DSAs) of SAMS and KSAMS |
UCI-DWH | Information/discussion about OIT Data Warehouse |
v2ray协议 | UCI Early Childhood Education Center |
UCI-EDL | UCI - Electronic Document Library |
UCI-Employee-Vets | UCI Employee Veterans, Reservists, Active Duty Personnel or Allies |
UCI-EmpoweringSustainability | Empowering Sustainability annual conferences at UCI |
UCI-EmpoweringSustainability2015 | Fellows who attended the 2015 Empowering Sustainability at UCI |
UCI-EsportsResearch | UCI Esports Research Conference |
UCI-Fast-J | Fast-J computer code - a module in Earth system or atmospheric chemistry models that computes photolysis rates and related radiation data |
UCI-FedExDeptAdmins | FedEx Direct Department Administrators |
UCI-FedExUSERS | v2ray各种协议对比 |
v2ray协议 | UCI faculty for Israel |
UCI-GATE | GATE Parents |
UCI-Gifted-Students | UCI Gifted Students Network (GSN) |
uci-gis | To disseminate information regarding Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at UCI |
v2ray各种协议对比 | UCI Global Studies |
v2ray协议 | Global and International Studies - Faculty |
v2ray协议选择 | Global and International Studies - Lecturers |
uci-history | Announcements for the UC Irvine Department of History |
UCI-Human-Resources | Discuss Human Resources issues |
UCI-ID-Announce | UCI ID Announcements |
UCI-ID-Discuss | UCI ID Discussion List |
v2ray各种协议对比 | UCI Illuminations, the Chancellor's Arts & Culture Initiative |
UCI-incoming4calteach | UCI California Teach Science-Math Inititative |
UCI-Informatica-users | UCI Informatica users |
v2ray协议选择 | [no description available] |
UCI-IS3-SchoolCoord | Announcements to members of the IS3-Electronic Security Coordination Group |
UCI-IT-Leadership-Council | UCI IT Leadership Council |
UCI-Lasergene-Users | UCI Campus Lasergene users |
v2ray延迟严重 | UCI Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Network |
UCI-Lightpath-Announce | UCI LightPath Announcements |
UCI-Lightpath-Request | v2ray延迟严重 |
UCI-Linux | Linux users and resources at UCI |
UCI-Mac | Discussion and support of Mac computers and Mac OS X. |
UCI-Math-Logic | A forum for Logic at UCI |
UCI-Mathematica | Justmysocks 支持 v2ray 协议了! - jdhao's blog:2021-5-22 · Justmysocks 之前一直用的都是 shadowsocks 协议,对墙的反制能力不行,每到关键时候就显露疲态。好消息是,justmysocks 终于在最近推出了基于 v2ray 协议的线路。 v2ray 相对于 shadowsocks,隐蔽性更好,所伡也更加稳定。 |
UCI-MCCA | UCI - Microsoft Consolidated Campus Agreement |
UCI-Mind-Seminars | UCI MIND Seminar Series |
v2ray延迟严重 | Information about mice and their use in research at UCI |
v2ray协议选择 | Discontinued list - See "UCI-Purchasing" |
UCI-Peace-Justice | uci community for peace and justice |
v2ray协议选择 | To notify new development at UCI power Electronics Laboratory |
UCI-Purchasing | Discontinued - See PurchasingConnections |
UCI-Shakespeare-Center | UCI Shakespeare Center |
UCI-SNAP | UCI SNAP (UCI Administrative Portal) |
v2ray协议选择 | UCI Software Carpentry |
UCI-StatisticalGenetics | Statistical Genetics Community at UCI |
UCI-stem4calteach | UCI Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Majors |
UCI-Sun | Sun interest group |
v2ray服务购买 | UCI Sustainability Co-Curricular Working Group |
UCI-webfiles | Discussion of issues and ideas about providing web services using the WebDAV protocol. |
UCI-WellnessChampions | Wellness Champions at UCI |
UCI-WritingProject-SummerYouth | UCI Writing Project - Summer Youth |
UCI-Zoom | Zoom conferencing services use at UCI |
UCI18thC | UCI Eighteenth-Century Studies Group |
UCIATS | UCI Academic Talent Search |
UCIBuyRapidRequisitioners | UCIBuy Rapid Requisitioners |
UCICARE | v2ray机场 |
v2ray协议 | UCI Child Care Incident 2014 |
UCIClimateCouncil | v2ray 工作机制原理 from 官网 - 简书:2021-6-10 · 出站协议负责将数据发给服务器,如另一台主机上的 V2Ray。当有多个出站协议时,可伡配置路由(Routing )来指定某一类流量由某一个出站协议发出。路由会在必要时查询 DNS 伡获取更多信息来进行判断。推荐阅读 更多精彩内容 第17章 IP服务 17.1 ... |
UCICOM-StopAsthma | Stop asthma, a school study intervention exercise (SASSIE) |
UCICSCG | Computing support coordinators' list |
UCIGallery | University Art Gallery / Room Gallery |
v2ray服务购买 | UCI Greek Life |
v2ray协议选择 | Humanities Out There Program |
v2ray服务购买 | UCI Network Announcements |
UCIPersianStudies | Just My Socks 机场现已支持V2ray 协议 – 主机叔:V2ray协议简介 1、诞生背景 说到翻墙,我伞就不得不提及Shadowsocks,我伞可伡将其简称为小飞机,小飞机是翻墙的老祖宗了,即便是后辈兴起的现在,小飞机在江湖上的地位还是一如既往的稳固。V2Ray 可伡堪称是后起之秀,各方面的性能也十分的伢秀。 |
v2ray延迟严重 | UCI Postdocs |
UCIRazaStaff | Raza Staff @ UCI |
UCIstemcell | UCI Stem Cell Research Center |
v2ray协议选择 | UCI Stem Cell Research Center |
ucistratcom | UCI Strategic Communications Council |
v2ray协议 | UCI Computer virtualization topics |
UCIVisualStudies | Visual Studies PhD Program |
Uciwomensempowerment | UCI Women's Empowerment Initiative |
UCIWritingProject-CollegeReadyWriters | v2ray协议小中转机场推荐:Electry - 夜绫千裕:2021-6-13 · 该机场建立时间不长,是纯v2ray的,节点用的都是vmess协议。线路数量不多,但是质量还不错。有港台新加坡的IEPL专线,也有美日的CN2。(我比较想要俄罗斯节点,现在steam中国版说不定什么时候就冒出来,你看G胖像是那种能给两周时间无条件转出的人 |
UCLIB-HR | UC Library Human Resources Officers |
UCmail | UC Mail Managers |
Ucomm-webinterns | University Communications Web Interns |
ucop-kfs-xfer | UCOP notifications about KFS CAF & CFS to UCI members |
UCOP-MajorDegreeAnnounce | 搭建 V2Ray 上 Google 抛弃 ss/ssr 吧-何先生 - umrhe.com:2021-6-10 · 之前何先生就了解过 V2Ray ,不过当初实在是太复杂了,何先生是一个很懒惰的人,喜欢简单的东西,看着布满密密麻麻字的教程,着实让人头晕。 标题写的夸张了一点,有的朋友肯定不同意我的说法,毕竟 ss/ssr 这玩意儿现在还是主流,不过今天推荐 V2Ray 是肯定有原因的。 |
UCpark | UCPARK@UCI.EDU is a mailing list for Transportation and Parking Services staff throughout the UC system. |
ucpath-101academy | UCPath - Staff at 101 Academy |
ucpath-coreteamcampus | UCPath Core Team - Campus |
ucpath-coreteammc | UCPath Core Team - Medical Center |
UCPath-ExtendedTeamCampus | UCPath - Campus Extended Team |
UCPath-ExtendedTeamMC | UCI UCPath MC Team |
v2ray协议 | UCPath - Human Capital Management Subject Matter Expert |
v2ray协议 | UCPath IT: Compilation of 4 different mailman lists |
v2ray机场 | v2ray服务购买 |
UCPath-PoliceKronos | UCI staff managing Police Kronos processing for UCPath |
UCPath-SteeringCommittee | UCI UCPath Leadership Committee |
UCPath-TAM | UCPath TAM general user group |
Ucpath-tier-1 | v2ray协议选择 |
UCPath-tier-n | UCPath Tier-n |
UCPD-B2V | Baker to Vegas |
UCReady-Admin | UCReady Administrators |
v2ray协议 | v2ray协议选择 |
UCSE | University of California Software Exchange (UCSE) |
v2ray延迟严重 | UC Systemwide Stewardship Listserve |
UCSTSOC-L | Discussion among UC and Stanford Sociology Librarians |
Univexpdl | Facilitate planning and discussion of issues for discussion leaders from the University Studies 1A/B series |
v2ray协议选择 | Undergrad Research Opportunities |
Varsity-sailing | Regatta scores and information for varsity sailing |
VCR-Announcements | Announcements from the Vice Chancellor for Research |
Vendors | UCI Vendors |
VeranoPlaceOffice | administrative notification to community |
VetInfo | UCI Veterans Services Center |
VisFaculty | Just My Socks 机场现已支持V2ray 协议 – 主机叔:V2ray协议简介 1、诞生背景 说到翻墙,我伞就不得不提及Shadowsocks,我伞可伡将其简称为小飞机,小飞机是翻墙的老祖宗了,即便是后辈兴起的现在,小飞机在江湖上的地位还是一如既往的稳固。V2Ray 可伡堪称是后起之秀,各方面的性能也十分的伢秀。 |
VisGrads | Ph.D. Program in Visual Studies graduate students |
VPgazette | Verano Place Gazette |
vra-sc-l | Visual Resources Association SoCal |
VRC-news | Verano Residents Council |
Web-developers | Forum for Campus Web Development |
Webdev-mobile | [no description available] |
v2ray各种协议对比 | v2ray协议选择 |
v2ray协议选择 | UCI HR Wellness - Healthy Holiday Challenge |
v2ray各种协议对比 | Western Journal of Emergency Medicine Content Dissemination |
whcs-desktop-internal | Wellness Health and Counseling support |
v2ray协议 | v2ray协议 |
Winners-circle | Mailing list to distribute information to have winners help winners |
WomenInTechnology | Just My Socks 机场现已支持V2ray 协议 – 主机叔:V2ray协议简介 1、诞生背景 说到翻墙,我伞就不得不提及Shadowsocks,我伞可伡将其简称为小飞机,小飞机是翻墙的老祖宗了,即便是后辈兴起的现在,小飞机在江湖上的地位还是一如既往的稳固。V2Ray 可伡堪称是后起之秀,各方面的性能也十分的伢秀。 |
womens-hub | Women's Center events |
v2ray传输协议选择 | UCI's Campuswide WordPress Developers Community |
Zone-Crew-UCI | Clash for Windows 使用教程:支持 SS、V2Ray 协议 – 醒悟 ...:2021-6-7 · 摘要: 由于SS协议极容易被探测后封IP,服务商添加了V2Ray节点,因此更换为 Clash for Windows 各户端来使用。 V2Ray和SS相比速度会慢一些,而且延迟较大,但是还算比较稳定。 之前我一直使用 ShadowsocksR 这款软件来科学上网,但春节 ... |
Zotbill | Discussion of issues related to the new Campus Zot Bill |
ZotPortal-advisory | v2ray机场 |
ZotPortal-dev | ZotPortal developers/contributors |
ZotPortal-editors | v2ray延迟严重 |
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